さいたま市大宮区・さいたま新都心のインターナショナルプリスクール ABCInternationalPreschool コクーン2に一番近いプリスクール


saitama city preschool ABC

さいたま市 プリスクール ABC International Preschool さいたま市 プリスクール ABC International Preschool さいたま市 プリスクール ABC International Preschool さいたま市 プリスクール ABC International Preschool さいたま市 プリスクール ABC International Preschool さいたま市 プリスクール ABC International Preschool さいたま市 プリスクール ABC International Preschool

At ABC, children are learning in a comfortable and stimulating learning environment, offering various activities that will enhance your child’s social and academic skills.
We focus on...
saitama city preschool ABC

One day FREE trial lesson available anytime.
Please call or email us and ask for details.
048(643)7770 email

saitama city preschool ABC

Here at ABC, We believe all children are unique individuals. It is our belief that young children should learn in a safe, nurturing environment which provides opportunities for children to learn and develop through activities which are age and individually appropriate.
By actively observing and interacting with peers, teachers and materials, children build needed emotional and social skills. Activities undertaken each day also develop gross/fine motor skills, strength and co-ordination.
It can be a concern for international parents that their child might not fit into the Japanese society after graduation. While enjoying the whole international setting, we provide programs that develop an appropriate skill set to get acclimated to Japanese elementary schools.
Our goals are to build a healthy sense of self-esteem, and to help facilitate the development of creative thinkers and problem solvers who will grow up to be bright, caring, and productive future members of society.

saitama city preschool ABC

1. Professional, Caring teachers
2. Secure and Comfortable Environment
3. Learning Through Hands-On Experiences
(Science experiments,outings,growing plants,taking care of living things)
4.Well-balanced Curriculum
(Language,PE,Music,Art,Science,various cultural events)
5. Support for Your Busy Schedule
(School Lunch,Extended Day Program Available)

saitama city preschool ABC

Hishitomo Bldg. 1F
4-17-3 Kishiki-cho Omiya-ku Saitama-shi
TEL : 048(643)7770

Open from 9:00-17:30, Mon-Fri

Contact us

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